Berlin hosts Georgian Ambassadors' Conference
Berlin hosts Georgian Ambassadors' Conference

A conference of Georgian Ambassadors is taking place in Berlin with the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze in attendance.

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Ilia Darchiashvili, said, the conference covers EU integration-related opportunities and challenges facing Georgia.

“Germany is one of the countries supporting our European integration. We were able to mobilize very strong support from various EU member states. Germany was, is, and will be one of them.

We have customarily discussed the chances and difficulties that our country faces in the course of European integration.

Our foreign policy priorities are clear. We talk about this almost every day and this process will continue.

We want every Ambassador who works in the EU Member states and in various EU organizations to be fully informed about that issue,” Ilia Darchiashvili stated.