Armenian PM commends Georgian gov't for promoting regional and international stability
Armenian PM commends Georgian gov't for promoting regional and international stability

“The cooperation between our countries has elevated to a higher, strategic partnership level as of January,” stated Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during a joint press statement with his Georgian counterpart, Irakli Kobakhidze, expressing gratitude for the warm welcome extended by the Georgian leader.

Pashinyan emphasized that the strategic partnership agreement serves as an effective mechanism rooted in mutual interests, principles, and democratic values.

The Armenian Prime Minister noted that both Georgia and Armenia have unconditionally recognized each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, which he described as “a significant factor in achieving stable, long-term, and sustainable peace in the South Caucasus.”

He further elaborated that Armenia has made progress during challenging negotiations with Azerbaijan regarding the delimitation and demarcation processes. As a result, Armenia and Azerbaijan have signed an agreement reflecting the values enshrined in the 1991 Almaty Declaration.

“This signifies that the basis for this process will involve defining administrative boundaries between the former Soviet republics. We anticipate making practical advancements shortly within the framework of the Armenia-Georgia border delimitation process.

After two years of negotiations, Armenia and Azerbaijan have managed to agree on 80 per cent of their peace and relations establishment agreement.” Pashinyan expressed Armenia’s commitment to finalizing the already agreed-upon regulations for establishing diplomatic relations and addressing other significant mutual interests.

He emphasized that unblocking economic infrastructure and facilitating full operations is crucial for stable economic development – a priority for his government.

“Our vision is encapsulated in the peace project’s crossroads, which our government developed and presented to our international partners during a conference in Tbilisi.

Dear Prime Minister, I sincerely believe that we have a historic opportunity to resolve conflicts in the South Caucasus and establish sustainable peace in our region. I am also convinced that Armenia and Azerbaijan are not the sole beneficiaries of this peace. Georgia and Turkey stand to gain as well. In light of these challenges, our government will persist in its efforts to maintain peace in the region. We commend the Georgian government’s contributions to fostering regional and international stability and peace,” he concluded.