Anti-transparency bill protesters urge Interior Ministry via GPB live broadcast to free jailed people in two hours
Anti-transparency bill protesters urge Interior Ministry via GPB live broadcast to free jailed people in two hours

The anti-transparency bill protesters relocated from Heroes Square to the GPB First Channel building, demanding live broadcasting.

One of the protesters told GPB First Channel during a live broadcast that they gave authorities two hours to free those jailed during today’s rally.

“Our sole message today is to promptly free our fellows who were illegally forced into cars and apprehended. These young people do not deserve such treatment from the police and government. These young people don’t deserve the beatings, or the rubber bullets from robocops and riot police.

These young people are picketing and blocking the streets to show the rest of the world that Georgia and the Georgian people will always defend European values and will never support Russian legislation or the Russian government.

We demand that our brothers be released immediately; otherwise, these movements will continue and we will resort to extreme measures.

We are resentful, furious young people who are embittered by this government but are not oppressed. Nobody should assume we’re oppressed.

We demand that they be freed, and a maximum of two hours is sufficient. These people are being detained illegally,” stated one of the demonstration attendees.