Ambassador Herczynski hopes Georgian elections to be free, fair, in line with international standards
Ambassador Herczynski hopes Georgian elections to be free, fair, in line with international standards

“I sincerely hope that the elections will be free and fair and conducted up to the highest international standards,” said Pawel Herczynski, EU Ambassador to Georgia.

According to the Ambassador, the EU will wait for the assessment of the OSCE/ODIHR observer mission.

“The Georgian government has invited international observers. There are several local nGOs that are also engaged in electoral observation. We will be, as the European Union, waiting for the assessment of the OSCE/ODIHR mission.

The press conference will happen the day after, on Sunday in the afternoon, we will be also watching very carefully the opinions of other electoral observers, including local CSOs. I sincerely hope that the election will be free and fair and conducted up to the highest international standards,” he said.