35 years passed since April 9 tragedy
35 years passed since April 9 tragedy

Today, 35 years have passed since the April 9 tragedy in Tbilisi when the Soviet Army violently dispersed a peaceful, anti-Soviet demonstration in the centre of Tbilisi. The violence dispersal resulted in 21 civilian deaths and hundreds of injuries. April 9 is commemorated as the Day of National Unity.

On March 31, 1991, Georgians voted overwhelmingly in favour of Georgia’s independence from the Soviet Union in a referendum. With a 90.5% turnout, approximately 99% voted for independence.

On the second anniversary of the April 9 tragedy, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia proclaimed Georgian sovereignty and independence from the Soviet Union.

The names of heroes who died 35 years ago are Aza Adamia, 22; Natia Bashaleishvili, 16; Eka Bezhanishvili, 15; Nato Giorgadze, 23; Tamuna Dolidze, 28; Tina Enukidze, 70; Nino Toidze, 25; Zaira Kikvidze, 61; Manana Loladze, 33; Tamar Mamukishvili, 50; Venera Metreveli; Mamuka Nozadze, 22, Nana Smarguliani, 41; Shalva Kvasroliashvili, Marina Chkonia-Samarguliani, 31; Eliso Chipashvili, 25; Tamar Chovelidze, 16, Nodar Jangirashvili, 40; Mzia Jincharadze, 43, Manana Melkadze, 23; Gia Karseladze, 25.