USAID comments in support of ISFED
USAID comments in support of ISFED

“USAID values ​​long-term, close cooperation with the independent and impartial International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED)working in support of Georgia’s democratic development”, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) said in a statement posted on its Facebook page.

USAID commends ISFED for taking the initiative to thoroughly review its parallel vote tabulation (PVT) data and transparently share the findings of its internal audit. As a professional and reputable civil society organization with a responsibility to provide transparent information, ISFED undertakes its own data quality assurance processes to ensure the integrity of the findings as a standard practice. This is in accordance with international best practice when variance exists in PVT data.

We support the efforts of all organizations and institutions involved in election monitoring to be as thorough and transparent as possible. We appreciate that ISFED has done so in this complex post-election environment, the statement by USAID reads.

USAID აფასებს ხანგრძლივ, მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობას დამოუკიდებელ და მიუკერძოებელ ორგანიზაციასთან “სამართლიანი არჩევნები და…

Posted by USAID/Georgia on Monday, December 14, 2020