State Security Service echoes unlawful borderization facts
State Security Service echoes unlawful borderization facts

The State Security Service echoed the media reports about unlawful activities carried out by the Russian occupation forces along the occupation line in recent days.

According to the State Service, the occupation forces carry out so-called borderization in different sections of the occupation line periodically.

The state institution clarifies that such cases are high on the agenda at the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism meetings and the Geneva International Discussions.

“The central government of Georgia identified a dozen cases of borderization in 2020. The existing mechanism meetings discussed each of these facts.

The central government of Georgia has activated a hotline and informed EUMM and co-chairs of the Geneva talks about yet another unlawful borderization near Goraka village of Kaspi Municipality,” the statement released by State Security Service reads.

According to the state institution, the use of the maps when discussing the borderization process strengthens the narrative established by the occupation regime.

“At the same time, the use of inaccurate terminology when discussing border issues like fear zone, border, border crossing, undermines the state’s efforts to de-occupy and contributes to stirring fear and insecurity among the local population,” the statement notes.