James Appathurai: UNM Chair’s arrest to be of deep concern
James Appathurai: UNM Chair’s arrest to be of deep concern

James Appathurai, the NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia commented on the arrest of Nika Melia, Chairman of the opposition United National Movement (UNM) party. He said the fact is deeply concerning.

“We are watching events in Georgia closely. The detention of the head of a major opposition party is of deep concern. NATO expects Georgia, as a close partner and Aspirant, to maintain the Euro-Atlantic democratic standards which it has worked so hard to meet and maintain.

This includes resolving political differences through dialogue and avoiding polarising rhetoric and actions,” James Appathurai said.

Law enforcers arrested the Chairman of the opposition United National Movement (UNM) party Nika Melia on Tuesday.