European Commission president says that additional funding will be allocated for low-income countries to ensure access to the vaccine
European Commission president says that additional funding will be allocated for low-income countries to ensure access to the vaccine

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen says that additional funding will be allocated for low-income countries to ensure their access to the vaccine. Ursula von der Leyen announced it in her video address.

“When it comes to fighting a global pandemic, there is no place for ‘me first’. Europe is not an island. Our economies are tightly connected not only amongst themselves, but also the rest of the world through global trade, travel and cooperation. We are working towards a global summit on June 27. We will explore with our international partners, whether a significant number of countries would agree to pool resources for jointly reserving future vaccine from companies while at the same time make advance reservations for low and middle income countries” – European Commission president said.