Enguri hydro-electric power station at threat to stop functioning
Enguri hydro-electric power station at threat to stop functioning

Enguri Hydro-electric power station is facing the threat to stop functioning – Levan Mebonia, Chairman of Board of Directors of the power station told First Channel.

According to Mebonia, the water level at Enguri is critical that is apparently linked to the increased consumption of electricity in the occupied Abkhazia region.

Mebonia presumes that there will be no water in the reservoir by March 5. “When the water resource is exhausted, the power station will stop functioning. The Abkhazian side will either have to reduce consumption or import electricity from Russia,” Mebonia claimed.

Officially, based on the information of electricity market operator, Enguri and Vardnilhesi hydro-electric power stations produced 265, 056 million k/w electric power in January of 2019. The occupied region has already used 254,333 million k/w of electric power.