“I Defend Freedom" addresses NDI
“I Defend Freedom" addresses NDI

Public Movement “I Defend Freedom” released a statement, in which it addresses representatives of the US National Democratic Institute (NDI).

Members of the public movement responded to NDI’s statement, according to which, the protest rallies were organized by “unknown groups”. According to them, they represent a highly responsible union, which cares about Georgia’s future.

“Since we are strangers to you, we want to introduce ourselves: We, the strangers, represent a union of citizens with high responsibility, who cares about the future of our state and who will always fight for Georgia’s interests and freedom”, reads the address and names several members, including Dato Maghradze, author of the anthem of Georgia, film director Goga Khaindrava, philosopher and professor Zaza Shatirishvili, artist Nikoloz Shengelaia, theater director Robert Sturua, world champion Giorgi Kandelaki, former political prisoner Giorgi Abdaladze, etc.