Ana Dolidze – Statements of National Movement represent sheer lie
Ana Dolidze – Statements of National Movement represent sheer lie

Ana Dolidze, international law expert says that the statements of National Movement Party regarding The Hague Court represent a sheer lie. Dolidze said she could not remember any case when soldiers were held criminally responsible in The Hague Court.

“The Hague Prosecutor will determine who was individually responsible. Mainly former presidents and high-ranking officials are held responsible for large-scale crimes. . . . We have to prove that Russians committed the crime,” Dolidze said in response to the statements of the opposition that Georgian soldiers may be put criminally responsible in The Hague Court.

According to the international law expert, Georgia’s position in The Hague from any political party should be that the only force, which is responsible for crimes committed in 2008, is Russia.